Tuesday, August 30, 2016

To Wail or Not to Wail

Today's blog features a special article written by Emilie Callan of Salt + Light Media that brings new light to the Wailing Wall, a must-see site in the Holy Land. Callan explores the history of the wall, its significance to the Jewish faith and the reasons behind why it's such an important historical and religious structure. 

Callan closes with, "When Pope Francis went to Israel in 2014, he made a powerful gesture in front of the Western Wall. He was accompanied by close friends he met as a bishop in Argentina: a Rabbi and a Muslim professor. After praying at the Wall, he embraced them and later on stressed the need for mutual respect and love between people of all faiths, working for “peace and justice”, and treating everyone as brothers and sisters. He also left a note wedged between the stones of the Wall – a common practice among pilgrims – on which he wrote the Our Father, a daily prayer reminding us that God is active in our life right now, giving us everything we need to overcome the struggles of the day-to-day. Overcoming division, then, happens in just that, the day-to-day. It happens between people and as Pope Francis perfectly summed up, “Before the mystery of God we are all poor”. 

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